cure for corona virus and prevention from corona virrus do's and don't

#coronavirus #death #case #china #allah #save #us #nocure #becareful #safety #pray #india #karnataka #helpless #holiday #school #collages #karnaraka #delhi #goa #preventioncorona #virus #cure #don't #do's


You can reduce your risk of infection if you:

Clean hands frequently with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water
Cover nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing with a tissue or flexed elbow
Avoid close contact (1 metre or 3 feet) with anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms

  • maintain distance from people try to avoid public transportation and public places 
  •  don't touch here in a public place 
  • use sanitizer before having food 
  • don't touch your face, nose, eyes, ears
  •  use mouth mask and change it daily 
  • try to avoid fast food
  • try to avoid handshake or hugs
  • try to avoid travelling
  • signs of corona
  • fever 
  • cough
  • shortness of breath

  • Those with weakened immune systems may develop more serious symptoms, like pneumonia or bronchitis. You may never develop symptoms after being exposed to COVID-19. So far, most confirmed cases are in adults, but some children have been infected. There is no evidence that children are at greater risk for getting the virus.y  

                             cure of corona

    1.  Vit c with lots of water 
    2. lots of sleep 
    3. try to have that which makes your immune system strong 
    4. try to be in heat condition because heat kills corona 

    #coronavirus #death #case #china #allah #save #us #nocure #becareful #safety #pray #india #karnataka #helpless #holiday #school #collages #karnaraka #delhi #goa #lada


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